About me

I am a Masters Student at the University of Waterloo in the Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Department in the Advanced Robotics Lab and my interests lies in Learning Algorithms and Robotics. I am currently working on a project to apply Deep Learning to Robotic Manipulation and also part of the UW Robotics Team. Outside of school, I am passionate about sports (Golf & Hockey) and recently worked abroad in Ireland as a Mechanical Engineer for 2 years!

Here is my resume.

Please feel free to get in touch at aido.keavs.94@gmail.com.


  • My Research

    We are exploring how to intelligently grasp household objects through Object-based Affordance Detection and 6-DoF Pose Estimation.

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  • UW Robotics Team

    Here are my main contributions to the Software team.

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  • Smooth Path Planning Framework for Robots

    In this project we are concered with the smoothness of robot trajectories to minimize jerk.

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  • Decreasing Smartphone Processing time for Human Activity Recognition using Machine Learning

    In this project we are concered with pre-processing techniques to decrease processing time for SVM classification on a baseline dataset.

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MASc Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering (3.9/4.0 GPA), University of Waterloo, Advanced Robotics Lab, 2019-2021

  • Supervisors: Dr. Soo Jeon, Dr. William Melek
  • UWaterloo Course Work: Autonomous Mobile Robots, Intro to Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, Continous Optimization, Control of Machines
  • Relevant Online Course Work: Stanford's CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks, Berkeley's CS285: Deep RL, Modern Robotics
  • Scholarships: Advanced Manufacturing MASc Fellowship in Engineering $50,000, Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (QEII-GSST) $15,000

BSc Mechanical Engineering with Distinction (3.9/4.0 GPA), University of Alberta, 2013-2017